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123,00 zł
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Customer: Jo...ka, date of purchase 19-05-2023 11:07
Customer: El...ka, date of purchase 02-04-2023 23:12
Customer: ro...rz, date of purchase 22-12-2022 09:14
Customer: Pa...sz, date of purchase 10-12-2022 21:42
Customer: Ma...ek, date of purchase 04-11-2022 22:04
Customer: IP...KT, date of purchase 21-10-2022 14:54
Customer: Al...k , date of purchase 19-09-2022 20:20
It was the first presentation prepared as part of the project "Poland and Norway on the European Ceramics Route: inclusion of Boleslawiec and Porsgrunn into the international cooperation network of cities with ceramic traditions." The partners of the event were the Norwegian Telemark Museum and the European Route of Ceramics, and its aim was to restore the…