The loyalty program is available only to registered customers.

Status of my points - how do I check how many points I have?
Log in to the ACCOUNT, then the information on the number of points you collected will be displayed in the section "Information on points for purchases".
How to exchange points for PLN?
When placing an order, you will find In the cart the option "Information on points for purchases". Press the ACTIVATE button, and the system will convert points into PLN and subtract them from the order amount.
Expiration of loyalty points - How long are my points valid for?
Points do not have an expiration date, you can use them at any time!
What is the equivalent of 1 loyalty point?
1 point is the equivalent of PLN 0.04.
Example: if your order is for PLN 100, a discount of PLN 4 will be available for the next order.
Do I have to use the collected loyalty points on my next order?
No, you can keep accumulating your points for as long as you want and then exchange them for PLN discount with any order you want.
How many loyalty points can I use at one time?
You can use up to 500 loyalty points at a time.
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