Available: 0 szt.
54,00 zł
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Customer: Mi...ny, date of purchase 17-05-2023 13:11
Customer: Jo...ck, date of purchase 15-05-2023 20:32
Customer: Jo...ck, date of purchase 15-05-2023 20:32
Customer: Sa...a , date of purchase 02-04-2023 20:02
Customer: Er...ey, date of purchase 07-03-2023 14:40
Customer: Do...ka, date of purchase 14-02-2023 13:55
A Polish city located in the west of Poland, famous for its ceramic products. This is, of course, Boleslawiec. It is here, and to be more precise in Raciborowice Gorne, located a few kilometers away, where ceramics is created not only with the heart, but primarily based on experience and a unique and world-renowned stamp technique.
The ceramic products manufactured in the facility are hand-painted and their unique plant and flower decorations are designed by the designers of Ceramika WR. Ceramic products are decorated with traditional Boleslawiec stamp patterns.
The company cooperates with numerous foreign and domestic…