Available: 0 szt.
165,00 zł
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Customer: El...a , date of purchase 17-06-2023 10:01
Customer: An...n , date of purchase 25-05-2023 19:27
Customer: Kr...ka, date of purchase 11-09-2022 10:40
Customer: Kr...ka, date of purchase 11-09-2022 10:33
Customer: Jo...yk, date of purchase 20-08-2022 10:30
Customer: Da...an, date of purchase 23-06-2022 14:22
There, a modern manufacturing facility was set up, where the production has reached over 600 forms of ceramic products - all inspired by the ceramic tradition from 700 years ago.
Vases, jugs, cups, plates, soup bowls, serving platters, bowls - these are only a part of the rich offer of the Kalich brand. The choice of the color palette is equally wide - from pastels to vivid colors of nature.Thanks to the rich artistic decoration offered in a wide range of patterns, colors…